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Pitching Rules Quick Reference

Regular Season Pitching Rules may be found HERE or in Regulation VI and Rule 8.00 of your Little League Rulebook.

This quick reference applies to Minor and Major Divisions:

Max Pitches per League Age:
Age 11-12: 85 pitches per day
Age 9-10: 75 pitches per day
Age 7-8: 50 pitches per day

Days Rest:
66+ pitches: 4 days rest
51-65 pitches: 3 days rest
36-50 pitches: 2 days rest
21-35 pitches: 1 day rest
0-20 pitches: 0 days rest*
*Under no circumstance shall a player pitch in three (3) consecutive days.


Any time a pitcher reaches any one of the above thresholds in the middle of an at-bat, he/she may finish the at-bat without being considered as having gone over the limit. In such case, the total pitch count will be noted with a prominently displayed "FB" next to it (Finished Batter).
A pitcher who has made 40 or more pitches in a game may not play Catcher again that day; "FB" okay (Regulation VI(c)).

A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher (Regulation VI(b)), so you cannot break-up your pitch count. 

Pitchers cannot pitch in more than one game per day.


Any Catcher who has caught in more than 3 innings, may not pitch again that day.  The catcher receiving even one pitch to a batter in the 4th inning constitutes having caught four innings (Regulation VI(a)).

Junior and Senior Divisions:
Please refer to Little League Pitching Rules HERE or in Regulation VI and Rule 8.00 of your Little League Rulebook.


  1. Home team pitch count is official.  Both teams' pitch counters should consult between innings.
  2. Ask for time to check with the scorekeeper if you're unsure of the pitch count.
  3. Scores and pitch counts will be recorded in GameChanger automatically once your scorekeeper selects "Game Over" in the app settings.
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