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Little League All-Stars

Little League All-Star Tournament

What is it?
Little League All-Stars
Western Little League is proud to participate in the Little League International Tournament tradition.  We usually charter All-Star teams in the following two divisions: Little League 12/11 year old and 10/9 year old.  Our ability to charter additional All-Star teams in the 11/10 year old age group or Junior/Senior divisions depends on interest and player availability.     

Please read this article for more information:  What Parents Need to Know About All-Stars 

practices (local) Little League Division and below; Tournament games for older divisions
July:  Opening Ceremony and Tournament games (local and state)
August:  Tournament games possible* (regional)

*The 12/11 year old Little League Division may advance to the regional Little League World Series competition which is held throughout the month of August

District and State Tournament information can be found on the District 4 website.

Regional Tournament information can be found on the Little League World Series webpage.

Eligible players who are selected to represent Western Little League in the All-Stars tournament MUST provide the following documentation:

1.  Documents to substantiate eligibility via in-boundary residency, in-boundary school enrollment, or approved waiver

• Find the Residency Eligibility Checklist here.
• Find the School Enrollment Form here.

NOTE:  If your player participated in the All-Star tournament last year, you do not need to submit updated residency documents UNLESS your address has changed.   If your player used a School Enrollment Form last year, you do not need to submit a new form UNLESS your school enrollment has changed.  However, if you used school enrollment to establish eligibility, please submit a copy of a report card from any quarter this school year in order to confirm current school enrollment.  If your student attends CCSD, you may download a report card by going to Infinite Campus > Documents > Report Card. 

2.  ORIGINAL Birth Certificate (photocopies will not be accepted)

Q:  What if I can't find the original?  How do I order a certified copy?

• Find information about how to order a Nevada Birth Certificate for Clark County births here
• Find information about how to order a Nevada Birth Certificate online or by phone here
•  Find information about how to order a Nevada Birth Certificate by mail here
•  Find information about how to order Vital Records from other states here

NOTE:  You must show an original birth certificate to the Western Little League representative at the initial All-Stars parent meeting.  The Player Agent must present the ORIGINAL birth certificate to District 4 during the document certification appointment in June.  You must either allow the Player Agent to take the original birth certificate to that appointment, or bring the document to that appointment yourself and wait outside until the certification is complete.  The Player Agent will return the original birth certificate to you following that certification appointment.  NOTE: If your player participated in the All-Star tournament last year, you do not need to provide an original birth certificate again.

3.  Medical Release

•  Please submit an updated Medical Release for the tournament season

4.  Media Release

•  Please submit a completed Media Release and Waiver


Bring all of your documents to the All-Stars Uniform Sizing/Parent Meeting.  Blank copies of the Medical Release and Media Release will be available for you to complete in-person if needed.  Please email [email protected] with any questions you have.

Tournament of Champions

Tournament of Champions (TOC)

The Tournament of Champions is hosted by District 4 at the conclusion of each spring season.  The  Western Little League Playoff Champions in both the Major Division and the AAA Division will represent our league in the tournament.

TOC is traditionally held the week following Memorial Day weekend.  More information about TOC can be found on the District 4 website here.

Spring Blues Tournament

Spring Blues Tournament

District 4 recently launched a Major Division tournament called Spring Blues.  Western Little League traditionally sends one team from our Major Division to represent our league in this 3-game tournament.  This event is typically held the first weekend of Spring Break on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  

District 4 posts information about the Spring Blues Tournament on their website.  

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